This demo gives an overview of a simple cryptographic operation, the one-time pad.
Before working through this lab, you’ll need
- Cryptol to be installed and
- this module to load successfully.
You’ll also need experience with
- loading modules and evaluating functions in the interpreter and
- the
Skills You’ll Learn
By the end of this demo you’ll understand a bit more about the Cryptol language and how to use the interpreter to prove properties or find bugs in Cryptol specifications.
Load This Module
This lab is a
literate Cryptol
document — that is, it can be loaded directly into the Cryptol
interpreter. Load this module from within the Cryptol interpreter
running in the cryptol-course
directory with:
Loading module Cryptol
Cryptol> :m labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad
We start by defining a new module for this lab:
module labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad where
You do not need to enter the above into the interpreter; the previous
:m ...
command loaded this literate Cryptol file automatically.
In general, you should run Xcryptol-session
commands in the
interpreter and leave cryptol
code alone to be parsed by :m ...
One-Time Pad
Cryptol’s documentation includes the excellent Programming Cryptol, a comprehensive introduction to Cryptol that offers a “crash course” in the fundamentals before moving on to:
- a chapter on classic ciphers such as:
- a chapter on the Enigma machine,
- a chapter on proving simple properties about algorithms (by invoking Boolean satisfiability modulo theories, or “SMT”, solvers), and
- a chapter on the more modern Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
That sounds too complicated for now. Let’s start with a motivating example based on the One-Time Pad, a simple theoretically perfect but impractical technique in which plaintext is paired with a pre-shared key that is at least as long as the plaintext and only used once.
Suppose Alice wishes to encipher the message HELLO
using the
pre-shared key ZUGESAGT
with ASCII encoding and
the XOR pairing
operation. Then she encodes HELLO
as the ASCII hexadecimal sequence
[0x48, 0x45, 0x4C, 0x4C, 0x4F]
(the letters needed from
the one-time pad to cover the plaintext) as [0x5A, 0x55, 0x47, 0x45,
. Pairing these yields the ciphertext [0x48^0x5A, 0x45^0x55,
0x4C^0x47, 0x4C^0x45, 0x4F^0x53] == [0x12, 0x10, 0x0B, 0x09, 0x1C]
which she sends to Bob. Bob, also knowing the pre- shared key
, observes that the ciphertext [0x12, 0x10, 0x0B, 0x09,
has length 5
, likewise encodes enough of the pre-shared key
) as [0x5A, 0x55, 0x47, 0x45, 0x53]
, applies the reverse
pairing operation (which is also XOR
), yielding the original
plaintext [0x12^0x5A, 0x10^0x55, 0x0B^0x47, 0x09^0x45, 0x1C^0x53] ==
[0x48, 0x45, 0x4C, 0x4C, 0x4F]
). Both parties must then
unfortunately discard ZUGES
so attackers can’t exploit it –
one-time pad and all that.
Hello Cryptol
That was a pretty vague and long-winded bloviation about the humble one-time pad. We could use Cryptol to express this algorithm clearly and concisely (provided the audience can read the language).
/** Encrypt plaintext `pt` using pre-shared key `psk` */
encrypt :
{k, m}
(fin k, k >= m) =>
(String k) -> (String m) -> (String m)
encrypt psk pt = ct
ct = (take psk) ^ pt
/** Decrypt plaintext; same as `encrypt` */
decrypt = encrypt
* Check test vector
* "ZUGESAGT" "HELLO" -> [0x12, 0x10, 0x0B, 0x09, 0x1C]
property test =
(encrypt "ZUGESAGT" "HELLO" == [0x12, 0x10, 0x0B, 0x09, 0x1C])
* Verify that for any pre-shared key `psk` and plaintext `pt` of
* size 8 and 5, respectively, decrypting ciphertext encrypted
* using the same pre-shared key yields the original plaintext
property decrypt_of_encrypt_yields_original_plaintext_8_5 (psk, pt) =
(decrypt psk (encrypt`{8, 5} psk pt)) == pt
Setting and Reading Variables
Great. Now let’s try applying the module to the previous example:
psk1 = "ZUGESAGT"
pt1 = "HELLO"
ct1 = (encrypt psk1 pt1)
OK, we’ve assigned variables representing the pre-shared key (psk1
plaintext (pt1
), and ciphertext (ct1
) from the example. Let’s see
the plaintext:
labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad> pt1
[0x48, 0x45, 0x4c, 0x4c, 0x4f]
That wasn’t what we assigned to pt1
!!! Actually it is, just shown
differently, in this case as a sequence of 5 hexadecimal bytes
rather than a string of 5 characters. We can ask the interpreter
to show us a string instead:
labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad> :s ascii=on
labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad> pt1
That was pleasant. Now let’s see the ciphertext:
labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad> ct1
That looks ciphertexty, all right. Entering :s
shows all the
configuration settings:
labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad> :s
ascii = on
base = 16
core-lint = off
debug = off
infLength = 5
mono-binds = on
prover = z3
prover-stats = on
satNum = 1
smtfile = -
tc-debug = 0
tc-solver = z3 -smt2 -in
tests = 100
warnDefaulting = on
warnShadowing = on
If a symbol’s name isn’t descriptive enough, we can use :h
to display
help text for it:
labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad> :h encrypt
encrypt : {k, m} (fin k, k >= m) =>
String k -> String m -> String m
`(encrypt psk pt)` encrypts plaintext `pt` using pre-shared key `psk`.
Function Evaluation
Cool. Let’s do a quick sanity check:
labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad> decrypt psk1 ct1
Previous Result
It matches! Our sanity is intact. Well, maybe not – let’s make sure:
labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad> it == pt1
Test Vectors
Nice! So that one example checks out, as expressed by the test
property in our module. Let’s prove it:
labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad> :prove test
(Total Elapsed Time: 0.028s, using Z3)
(For concrete test vectors like this one, :check test
also fits the
bill and is marginally faster…but it’s important to remember to do
this only for static test vectors and properties that :prove
finish in the time you are willing to wait.)
That’s just one test vector, but Cryptol is not just a test runner.
We can apply SMT solving to prove it for all cases (of a particular
type), as reflected in the
property. That’s a
rather sesquipedalian name; let’s use tab-completion to prove the
labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad> :prove dec<Tab>
labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad> :prove decrypt_<Tab>
labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad> :prove decrypt_of_encrypt_yields_original_plaintext_8_5<Enter>
(Total Elapsed Time: 0.028s, using Z3)
labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad> :prove decrypt_of_encrypt_yields_original_plaintext_8_5
labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad> :prove decrypt_of_encrypt_yields_original_plaintext_8_5
Good to know. Another use of SMT solving is to find an input
satisfying a property. We could apply this to our one-time pad by
demonstrating why using the one-time pad (pre-shared key) more than
one time is not a good idea. Suppose Bob replies to Alice with a
second plaintext/ciphertext exchange also using the pre-shared key
pt2 = "GOODBYE"
ct2 = (encrypt psk1 pt2)
Now suppose an attacker Eve doesn’t know the pre-shared key, but has compromised Bob’s network port, sees a 7-character message, and deduces that with no further communication the message might reasonably have been “GOODBYE”. Then Eve can exploit Cryptol to deduce the pre-shared key Bob just used:
labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad> :sat \psk2 -> (encrypt`{7} psk2 pt2) == ct2
(\psk2 -> (encrypt`{7} psk2 pt2) == ct2) "ZUGESAG" = True
(Total Elapsed Time: 0.044s, using "Z3")
(That “->
” syntax defines a lambda function that maps one
argument (psk2
) to an expression that will return True
or False
basically asking for a pre-shared key that encrypts the given
plaintext to the given ciphertext. Of course, Eve could have just
applied XOR
directly; this example is silly.)
Now that Eve has the pre-shared key for this exchange, she could
stash it
and try it
is the counterexample produced by the
last :sat
command) on the message Bob received earlier:
labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad> it
{result = True, arg1 = "ZUGESAG"}
labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad> :sat \pt3 -> (encrypt (it.arg1) pt3) == ct1
(\pt3 -> (encrypt "ZUGESAG" pt3) == ct) "HELLO" = True
(Total Elapsed Time: 0.028s, using Z3)
Hello!!! So much for communications security…
Well that was fun. We have clearly expressed the one-time pad using Cryptol, demonstrated it on some test cases, verified some simple properties, and manipulated it for nefarious misdeeds.
How was your experience with this lab? Suggestions are welcome in the form of a ticket on the course GitHub page:
From here, you can go somewhere!
^ Cryptol Demos | ||
< Caesar | One-Time Pad | n-Queens > |