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Sean Eron Anderson, a former graduate student at Stanford, collected a large set of Bit Twiddling Hacks. This collection has a large number of algorithms which perform relatively simple calculations or test properties (e.g. determine the absolute value) in surprising ways. The code is often opaque; that is, it’s not easy to see why (or even if) they actually work. This is a good example of how we can use Cryptol and SAW. With Cryptol, we can write code that is easy to read, and as such we have high confidence it is correct. With SAW, we can compare the Cryptol code against the inscrutable bit twiddling code.

This file will contain your code (written in Cryptol, naturally) that you use to validate the correctness of the code written in the corresponding C file . You should look at the C code to help you figure out the type signature of your Cryptol functions. For example, does the C function return a Boolean value (True or False) or a number? If a number, how many bits is it? Your Cryptol code shouldn’t match the C code, but instead should be relatively simple (some are as simple as calling a function that already exists in Cryptol), and they should all be relatively easy to read. We also included some properties to help test your code. After you have completed this code, you should write (from scratch) a SAWscript to compare the two.


Before working through this lab, you’ll need

A pre-compiled bitcode file is provided so that you don’t need to compile the sample C code. If you want to compile the C code yourself, you’ll need to install the Clang C compiler. SAW usually lags behind Clang releases. Check here ( for a list of supported versions of Clang.

You’ll also need experience with

Skills You’ll Learn

By the end of this lab you will gain experience with

Load This Module

This lab is a literate Cryptol document — that is, it can be loaded directly into the Cryptol interpreter. Load this module from within the Cryptol interpreter running in the cryptol-course directory with: `

Loading module Cryptol
Cryptol> :m labs::Demos::SAW::Bittwiddling::BittwiddlingAnswers
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module labs::Demos::SAW::Bittwiddling::BittwiddlingAnswers

We start by defining a new module for this lab:

module labs::Demos::SAW::Bittwiddling::BittwiddlingAnswers where

You do not need to enter the above into the interpreter; the previous :m ... command loaded this literate Cryptol file automatically. In general, you should run Xcryptol-session commands in the interpreter and leave cryptol code alone to be parsed by :m ....


EXERCISE: Write a function that finds the parity of an n-bit word. Use the three properties below to help you verify that your function works correctly.

parity : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> Bit
parity w = foldl (^) False w
property parity8bitProp =
    parity 0x01 == True  /\
    parity 0x00 == False /\
    parity 0xff == False /\
    parity 0xef == True
property parity32bitProp =
    parity 0x00000001 == True  /\
    parity 0x00000000 == False /\
    parity 0xffffffff == False /\
    parity 0x7fffffff == True
property parity64bitProp =
    parity 0x0000000000000001 == True  /\
    parity 0x0000000000000000 == False /\
    parity 0xffffffffffffffff == False /\
    parity 0xffffffff7fffffff == True

Reverse a byte

EXERCISE: Write a function which takes a byte and reverses it. For example, 0b10101010 should map to 0b01010101. Use the property below to verify that your function works correctly.

reverseByte : [8] -> [8]
reverseByte b = reverse b
property reverseByteProp =
    reverseByte 0x01 == 0x80 /\
    reverseByte 0xaa == 0x55

Check if a 32-bit word has a zero byte

EXERCISE: Write a function which takes an n*8-bit word and checks if any one of the bytes is all zeroes. Note that it has to be on a byte boundary and not just anywhere. For example, 0x11001111 has a zero byte (the second byte) but 0x10011111 does not (the first byte is 0x10 while the second byte is 0x01). Use the property below to help you verify that your function works correctly.

anyZeroByte : {n} (fin n) => [n*8] -> Bit
anyZeroByte w = any ((==) 0) bytes
    bytes = groupBy`{8} w
property anyZeroByteProp =
    anyZeroByte 0x10011001 == False /\
    anyZeroByte 0x00112233 == True


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  ^ SAW Demos  
< Arithmetic Verifications Bit Twiddling (Answers)  
  ? Bit Twiddling