Easy Button
Likely, the easiest way to take the course is via Gitpod.io, a development environment hosting service that opens the course right in your web-browser. We have pre-loaded all of the tools you’ll need to complete the main Cryptol track of this course. Simply click the link below to start. Your personal Gitpod instance will need a couple of minutes to initialize the first time you click the link. If you close the Gitpod browser window, your work will be saved, though every time you return to the link, Gitpod will start a fresh workspace. To restart a previous workspace, go to https://gitpod.io/workspaces/. You can also pin a workspace to keep it from being deleted after 14 days of inactivity.
With this method, you can save files on a virtual machine and start and stop it at will. There isn’t an easy way to transfer files from the virtual machine to your own computer, but you can simply copy text from the editor in the browser and paste it anywhere you want.
However, if you would like to take the course locally (which involves installing software on your computer), you may follow the instructions below. If you decide to try the Gitpod route, it may still be a good idea to read through the instructions near the end that demonstrate, briefly, how to run Cryptol.
Acquiring the Cryptol course material
All of the Cryptol course material (presentations, labs, supporting data files) is available on GitHub. You can
- clone or download the files using the green
button on the GitHub page, - download a zip file by clicking here,
- use the command line to acquire a copy by ensuring you’re in a
writable working directory and issuing
git clone https://github.com/weaversa/cryptol-course.git
(no password or keys required), or - if you don’t have
installed,curl -L -ocryptol-course.zip https://github.com/weaversa/cryptol-course/archive/master.zip && unzip cryptol-course.zip
The presentation material is formatted in Markdown (.md) files. These can be viewed directly in most browsers by installing a Markdown viewer extension (an exercise left to the reader), or by accessing the material directly from the GitHub website.
Installing Cryptol and SAW
This course currently focuses on learning to program in Cryptol. As such, you will need to be able to run the Cryptol interpreter. Supported platforms include up-to-date CentOS, Ubuntu, MacOS, and Windows 10.
Some challenge labs make use of SAW (Software Analysis Workbench), a companion verification tool associated with Cryptol. However, SAW is not a requirement for success here.
Recommended Installation Instructions (Visual Studio Code + Docker)
- Download the Cryptol course repository and unzip it somewhere on your computer.
- Install Docker:
- Linux users: enable user-mode access to docker by executing
sudo groupadd docker && sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
, then logout and log back in.
- Linux users: enable user-mode access to docker by executing
- Install Visual Studio Code:
- If installing on Windows, be sure to download the “User Installer”. VS Code is used here for viewing and editing Cryptol modules and interacting with the Cryptol interpreter.
- Open Visual Studio Code (command name:
) and- Install the “vscode-pdf” extension: click View -> Extensions, search for “tomoki1207”, select and install. This extension is for viewing pdf files in VS Code.
- Install the “Markdown Preview Enhanced” extension: click View
-> Extensions, search for
“shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced”, select and install.
This extension offers an enhanced “preview” view of any Markdown
file being viewed. It will create a second “Open Preview to the
Side” icon above the Markdown document.
Then, in the Extensions list, select the gear icon (hovertext “Manage”) for this extension, then Extension Settings. Uncheck the Break On Single New Line option, then close the tab. This will remove some unnecessary line breaks from the enhanced Preview view. - Install the “Remote - Containers” extension: click View -> Extensions, search for “ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers”, select and install.
- Open the cryptol-course directory: click File -> Open
Folder… (or just Open… on MacOS) and select the top
directory of the unzipped course repository, then click OK.
- Be sure to select the top-level cryptol-course directory, not a subdirectory.
- Visual Studio Code will detect the remote container and prompt
you in the lower right corner of the window – choose Reopen in
- If you miss the prompt, click the
box (hovertext: “open a remote window”) in the lower left hand corner of the window and choose “Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container”. - It will take a while for Docker to build the container the
first time. Once it’s done, you can run Cryptol by clicking
Terminal -> Run Task… -> Cryptol. (Or else type CTRL-backtick
for a terminal window, then enter the command
- If you miss the prompt, click the
If a terminal window appears with the Cryptol logo, you’re done. Feel free to load the next lab into the interpreter by typing:
Loading module Cryptol
Cryptol> :m labs::Overview::Overview
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module labs::Overview::Overview
You may now start using Visual Studio Code to work through the course. We hope you enjoy learning Cryptol!
Link to the next lab: Cryptol and SAW Overview.
Installation Instructions for Expert Users
More involved instructions follow for those powerusers that are familiar with installing and using terminal-based tools and that want a more customized environment in which to program Cryptol.
Option 1: Docker
Docker containers are available for both
use these Docker containers you’ll first need to install Docker on
your computer. Instructions for installing Docker on Linux, MacOS, and
Windows 10 can be found at
https://docs.docker.com/get-docker. Once
Docker has been installed, it is
easy to pull
and run
these containers. (Note that this docker
approach may require sudo
privileges. If so, and you don’t have such
privileges, follow the steps in Option 2 or
Option 3
for user-mode solutions.)
This Cryptol course has a Docker image with Cryptol and SAW pre-installed that can be downloaded by issuing the following Docker command in your computer’s terminal.
$ docker pull ghcr.io/weaversa/cryptol-course:2.13
You should now test your installation by running Cryptol. Instructions can be found by scrolling down to the “Running Cryptol” section.
Option 2: Downloading pre-built Cryptol and SAW binaries
Downloading Cryptol and SAW
Galois provides releases of Cryptol at https://cryptol.net/downloads.html and releases of SAW at https://saw.galois.com/downloads.html.
The bin
directory (containing cryptol
and/or saw
) of the archive
you downloaded should be placed in your system path.
Downloading Z3
Both Cryptol and SAW require a tool called z3
. This tool is not
bundled with Cryptol or SAW, so it must be installed separately.
(Note that the version of z3
available via default apt
repos is
old and incompatible with this course.)
Pre-built binaries for Z3 can be found at
https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3/releases. Z3 can also be compiled from
source without much, if any, trouble. The source is available at
https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3. The base directory (containing z3
and more) of the zip file you download or built should be placed in
your system path.
You should now test your installation by running Cryptol. Instructions can be found by scrolling down to the “Running Cryptol” section.
Installation Help
For more help installing Cryptol or SAW, please refer to the documentation provided in their respective repositories, found here:
- Cryptol: https://github.com/GaloisInc/cryptol
- SAW: https://github.com/GaloisInc/saw-script
Running Cryptol
To load a literate document into Cryptol, change to your
directory in a terminal (Linux) or command prompt
(Windows 10), then run Cryptol via a locally installed binary or
Docker container. We’ll use the
One-Time Pad as an
example. That markdown file is a literate Cryptol module (as are all
the labs) and as such can be loaded into the Cryptol interpreter.
Running from a Docker Install
The Cryptol Docker container needs access to the course materials in
your cryptol-course
directory. To do this, run docker
from within
the cryptol-course
directory and as follows:
docker run --rm -it
indicates that the commands are to be run in an interactive TTY, and the newly generated container will be removed upon exit.- If you are currently in the root of the
directory, you can use--mount
, and--env
to mount the directory in the docker container and set theCRYPTOLPATH
environment variable for access to the directory’s Cryptol modules. This environment variable is used by both Cryptol and SAW.
Using Docker on Linux and MacOS
$ docker run --rm -it --mount type=bind,src=$(pwd),dst=$(pwd) --workdir=$(pwd) --user=$(id -u):$(id -g) --env CRYPTOLPATH=$(pwd) ghcr.io/weaversa/cryptol-course:2.13 cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Cryptol> :module labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad
Using Docker on Windows 10
...\cryptol-course> docker run --rm -it --mount type=bind,src=%CD%,dst=/mnt/cryptol-course --env CRYPTOLPATH=/mnt/cryptol-course ghcr.io/weaversa/cryptol-course:2.13
Loading module Cryptol
Cryptol> :module labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad
Running from a Direct Install
First ensure that the cryptol intepreter is started in the
directory, or set the environment variable
CRYPTOLPATH to point to that directory. Then, use the :module
command from within Cryptol to load the lab.
.../cryptol-course$ cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Cryptol> :module labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module labs::Demos::Cryptol::OneTimePad
Editors & IDEs
Support exists for Cryptol (such as syntax highlighting and interpreter bindings) in a number of popular software development tools.
VS Code
The Cryptol Highlighting plugin provides syntax highlighting and an interface to a local Cryptol installation (e.g. evaluate the current expression or get its type).
The local .vscode
configuration in the cryptol-course
supports running a cryptolcourse/cryptol
Docker image via Terminal
-> Run Task… > Cryptol in the VS Code menu bar.
A Cryptol major mode for Emacs can be found here: https://github.com/thoughtpolice/cryptol-mode
A Vim plugin for Cryptol can be found here: https://github.com/victoredwardocallaghan/cryptol.vim
How was your experience with this lab? Suggestions are welcome in the form of a ticket on the course GitHub page: https://github.com/weaversa/cryptol-course/issues
From here, you can go somewhere!
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Installation | Overview > |