This lab provides an overview of Cryptol’s interpreter.
Before working through this lab, you’ll need
- Cryptol to be installed and
- this module to load successfully.
Skills You’ll Learn
By the end of this lab you will have gained experience using Cryptol’s interpreter.
You’ll also gain experience with
- changing the display base in the interpreter,
- querying the built-in help system,
- browsing symbols,
- chaining commands with
, - loading and reloading modules,
- evaluating expressions,
- using the built-in editor, and
- issuing batch commands.
Load This Module
The first thing you should do is start up the Cryptol interpreter. Instructions on installing and running the interpreter can be found in this repository’s file. Once you’ve got the interpreter started, follow along with this lab by entering the commands found here into the interpreter.
This lab is a literate
Cryptol document — that is, it can be loaded directly into the Cryptol
interpreter. Load this module from within the Cryptol interpreter running
in the cryptol-course
directory with:
Loading module Cryptol
Cryptol> :m labs::Interpreter::Interpreter
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module labs::Interpreter::Interpreter
A Cryptol module
is a named codeblock within a file. The module
name is used when import
-ing code into a larger Cryptol project, or
for interactively incorporating the code in the interpreter via the
command (described in the Loading
Modules section below). A file can only contain
one module, and the name of the module must match the filename.
Additionally, the module can have namespace characteristics, separated
by ::
delimiters. The namespace values directly correlate with
directory structure surrounding the file.
In this file, we start by defining a new module for this lab:
module labs::Interpreter::Interpreter where
That indicates that this file
will be found in the
directory labs/Interpreter
(Note: you do not need to enter the module
instruction into the
interpreter; the previous :m ...
command loaded this literate
Cryptol file automatically. In general, you should run
commands in the interpreter and leave cryptol
code alone to be parsed by :m ...
Using the Cryptol interpreter
Interpreter State
The interpreter has a number of different configuration settings. To
view them type :set
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> :set
ascii = off
base = 16
core-lint = off
debug = off
fp-base = 16
fp-format = free
hash-consing = on
ignore-safety = off
infLength = 5
mono-binds = on
path = ...
prover = z3
prover-stats = on
prover-validate = off
satNum = 1
show-examples = on
smtfile = -
tc-debug = 0
tc-solver = z3 -smt2 -in
tests = 100
warnDefaulting = off
warnShadowing = on
warnUninterp = on
The most common setting to change is base
. The default is base =
, which means the interpreter will display bitvectors by printing
their hexadecimal representations. For example,
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> 0xa
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> 10 : [4]
To make the interpreter display bitvectors in decimal (base 10), type
:set base=10
. To change back to hexadecimal, type :set base=16
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> :set base=10
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> 0xa
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> 10 : [4]
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> :set base=16
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> 10 : [4]
Feel free to change this setting to what is most comfortable for you.
You’ll notice there are many different things to configure. Most of these are set to an appropriate default, but there are a few we will touch on later.
Interpreter Help
Cryptol’s interpreter has a built-in help command. To invoke it, type
followed by the command you’d like to know more about. For
example, if we’d like to know more about the :set base
command, we
can type:
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> :h :set base
base = 16
Default value: 16
The base to display words at (2, 8, 10, or 16).
Cryptol has a built-in command to reverse a list, called
. Let’s look at the help for this command.
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> :h reverse
reverse : {n, a} (fin n) => [n]a -> [n]a
Reverses the elements in a sequence.
Colon commands
You’ll notice that some commands start with a colon (:
) and others
do not. The colon commands are commands that are outside of the
Cryptol language, and only exist in the interpreter. You can see a full listing of these commands by typing :h
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> :h
:t, :type Check the type of an expression.
:b, :browse Display information about loaded modules.
:version Display the version of this Cryptol executable
:?, :help Display a brief description of a function, type, or command. (e.g. :help :help)
:s, :set Set an environmental option (:set on its own displays current values).
:check Use random testing to check that the argument always returns true.
(If no argument, check all properties.)
:exhaust Use exhaustive testing to prove that the argument always returns
true. (If no argument, check all properties.)
:prove Use an external solver to prove that the argument always returns
true. (If no argument, check all properties.)
:sat Use a solver to find a satisfying assignment for which the argument
returns true. (If no argument, find an assignment for all properties.)
:safe Use an external solver to prove that an expression is safe
(does not encounter run-time errors) for all inputs.
:debug_specialize Do type specialization on a closed expression.
:eval Evaluate an expression with the reference evaluator.
:ast Print out the pre-typechecked AST of a given term.
:extract-coq Print out the post-typechecked AST of all currently defined terms,
in a Coq-parseable format.
:time Measure the time it takes to evaluate the given expression.
:set-seed Seed the random number generator for operations using randomness
:new-seed Randomly generate and set a new seed for the random number generator
:check-docstrings Run the REPL code blocks in the module's docstring comments
:q, :quit Exit the REPL.
:l, :load Load a module by filename.
:r, :reload Reload the currently loaded module.
:e, :edit Edit FILE or the currently loaded module.
:! Execute a command in the shell.
:cd Set the current working directory.
:m, :module Load a module by its name.
:f, :focus Focus name scope inside a loaded module.
:w, :writeByteArray Write data of type 'fin n => [n][8]' to a file.
:readByteArray Read data from a file as type 'fin n => [n][8]', binding
the value to variable 'it'.
:dumptests Dump a tab-separated collection of tests for the given
expression into a file. The first column in each line is
the expected output, and the remainder are the inputs. The
number of tests is determined by the "tests" option.
Use filename "-" to write tests to stdout.
:generate-foreign-header Generate a C header file from foreign declarations in a Cryptol file.
:file-deps Show information about the dependencies of a file
:module-deps Show information about the dependencies of a module
The most used commands have to do with files (loading :m
reloading :r
modules), quitting the interpreter :q
, and asking for
the type of an expression :t
. Many of the commands have single
character shortcuts for ease of use.
Browsing the Environment
The :browse
command will list all of the type synonyms, constraint
synonyms, primitive types, and symbols currently loaded into the
interpreter. Upon startup, the interpreter preloads a prelude
containing the Cryptol language. This prelude can be modified, but
this will likely make any Cryptol specifications you write
incompatible with the rest of the world, and hence modifying the
prelude is discouraged.
About :browse
— If you enter :b
into the interpreter you will
first see:
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> :b
Type Synonyms
From Cryptol
type Bool = Bit
type Char = [8]
type lg2 n = width (max 1 n - 1)
type String n = [n]Char
type Word n = [n]
From labs::Interpreter::Interpreter
type uint32_t = [32]
Type synonyms are helper functions used to express the type of some
data. For example, the number 10
can be expressed as a 32-bit word
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> 10 : Word 32
The next things you’ll see with :browse
are some constraint
synonyms. These are helper functions used to express type
constraints. The ones preloaded into the interpreter unify different
types of comparison operators to >=
. This just saves users from
having to express type constraints using only >=
The next things you’ll see with :browse
are some primitive types. These
include comparison and arithmetic operators, type classes, basic
types, and some type constraints that help with expressing some
cryptographic type constraints elegantly. These are used when defining
the type of a function or variable. For example, the size of a
bitvector can be represented in terms of the width of a number:
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> :t 10 : [width 32]
(10 : [width 32]) : [6]
Cryptol’s symbols are given in the last section provided by :browse
. This
is where you’ll find all of the value operators (as opposed to type
operators). These are used when defining the value of a function or
variable. For example, reverse
can be used to reverse the order of a
sequence of bitvectors:
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> reverse [1, 2, 3] : [3][2]
[0x3, 0x2, 0x1]
Each of the items in the environment can be queried using :help
for short).
Tab Completion and Scrolling
The interpreter supports TAB completion; that is, pressing TAB will display all available symbols. And, if you start typing a symbol and then press TAB, the interpreter will attempt to complete the symbol you’ve started typing.
The interpreter also records a history of commands issued. All
commands are saved in a file named .cryptol_commandHistory
which (by
default) resides in the top-level of your user directory. Pressing the
up and down arrows will scroll through this history, enabling fast
recall of previous commands.
Chaining Commands — it
and let
The Cryptol interpreter supports a couple of ways to chain commands
together. The first way happens automatically. The it
symbol is a
name automatically bound to the result of the last command the
interpreter evaluated. For example, if we can reverse
a list, the
result [3, 2, 1]
is automatically bound to the it
symbol. We can
then reverse it
and see that we get [1, 2, 3]
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> :s base=10
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> reverse [1, 2, 3] : [3][2]
[3, 2, 1]
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> reverse it
[1, 2, 3]
Though, in the same way, now the value of it
has become [1, 2, 3]
. To bind a
value to a name (save it for later) we can use the let
command. For
example, here we bind the result of reverse [1, 2, 3] : [3][2]
, then reverse r
and show that the result is as expected and that
still retains [3, 2, 1]
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> let r = reverse [1, 2, 3] : [3][2]
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> r
[3, 2, 1]
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> reverse r
[1, 2, 3]
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> r
[3, 2, 1]
is very helpful for debugging and program understanding;
however, it can cause confusion (as demonstrated in the simple example
below). Thus, industrial use of let
is discouraged.
After running the example below, what is the value of y
? Since, in
the interpreter, definitions can be overwritten, it’s better to place
these kinds of definitions in a file and use the :reload
(or :r
command when editing to maintain a consistent state.
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> let x = 0
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> let y = x + 1
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> let x = 1
Loading and Reloading Files
Speaking of loading files, this lab can be loaded directly into the
interpreter using :module
(as shown at the beginning of this lab) as
well as using :load
. Where :module
takes the module name, :load
instead takes the filename.
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> :l labs/Interpreter/
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module labs::Interpreter::Interpreter
Here we see that this file contains a module named
, which really just describes its filename
and directory path (labs/Interpreter/
We can browse the currently loaded module to see what new symbols it
provides. Remember that the interpreter supports TAB completion so you
only need to type :b l
then press the TAB key and the interpreter
will fill in the rest.
labs::Interpreter::Interpreter> :b labs::Interpreter::Interpreter
Type Synonyms
type uint32_t = [32]
f : uint32_t -> uint32_t
x : uint32_t
y : uint32_t
Here we see that this module provides one type synonym and three symbols. (If your result does not match, try reloading the module.)
Loading Modules
To load a module by its name (rather than by filename), we use the
(or :m
) command. Namespace elements of a module name
directly correlate with directory structure; e.g., this module
maps directly to the file at
. Thus in order for the module to be
found (essentially, finding the base directory for that path), either
1) the Cryptol interpreter must have been started at the same base directory as the module, or
2) the (fully-qualified) base directory of the module must be in the CRYPTOLPATH environment variable.
The CRYPTOLPATH approach is more robust, as it will work no matter what directory Cryptol is started in. To set the CRYPTOLPATH variable (in Linux) such that we can access the labs and specs for this class, do this:
$ export CRYPTOLPATH=<path-to-cryptol-course>
cryptol-course$ cryptol
┏━╸┏━┓╻ ╻┏━┓╺┳╸┏━┓╻
┃ ┣┳┛┗┳┛┣━┛ ┃ ┃ ┃┃
┗━╸╹┗╸ ╹ ╹ ╹ ┗━┛┗━╸
version :? for help
Loading module Cryptol
Cryptol> :m labs::Interpreter::Interpreter
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module labs::Interpreter::Interpreter
The Cryptol interpreter supports editing the currently loaded file or
module via :e
. However, if no file or module is loaded :e
allow you to edit the Cryptol prelude, which is very dangerous. When
you type :e
, Cryptol will open the current file or module in a text
editor, and will then reload the file into the interpreter when the editor
is closed. The default
editor is vim, but can be changed via setting
an environment variable called EDITOR
. For example, if in a Linux
like environment, the following command will change the default to
$ export EDITOR="emacs -nw"
Batch Commands
Interpreter commands can be issued directly from the command line, or
from a batch file. For example, here we issue some commands from the
command line using the interpreter’s -c
$ cryptol -c ":m labs::Interpreter::Interpreter" -c ":s base=10" -c "x + 2"
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module labs::Interpreter::Interpreter
And here we issue the same commands by running the test.sry
file using the interpreter’s -b
$ cat labs/Interpreter/test.sry
:m labs::Interpreter::Interpreter
:s base=10
x + 2
$ cryptol -b labs/Interpreter/test.sry
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module labs::Interpreter::Interpreter
Usage options
The last few items covered here (and more) can be found querying Cryptol’s usage options via:
$ cryptol --help
Usage: cryptol [OPTIONS]
-b FILE --batch=FILE run the script provided and exit
-e --stop-on-error stop script execution as soon as an error occurs.
-c COMMAND --command=COMMAND run the given command and then exit; if multiple --command arguments are given, run them in the order they appear on the command line (overrides --batch)
--color=MODE control the color output for the terminal, which may be 'auto', 'none' or 'always' (default: 'auto')
-v --version display version number
-h --help display this message
--no-unicode-logo Don't use unicode characters in the REPL logo
--ignore-cryptolrc disable reading of .cryptolrc files
--cryptolrc-script=FILE read additional .cryptolrc files
--cryptolpath-only only look for .cry files in CRYPTOLPATH; don't use built-in locations
Influential environment variables:
A `:`-separated list of directories to be searched for Cryptol
modules in addition to the default locations
A string of command-line arguments to be passed to the
corresponding solver invoked for `:sat` and `:prove`
That’s all for the interpreter for now. This course is only designed to be an introduction, so not everything is covered in detail. We encourage you to explore more on your own, and if you have questions, a great place to ask is the cryptol-users mailing list.
Here are a few miscellaneous definitions so that the browse command has something to show after loading this module.
type uint32_t = [32]
x = 1 : uint32_t
y = x + 10
f a = a + y
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