introduced the concepts of
injectivity and inversion, among others. In this lab, we build
upon these concepts, introducing higher-order functions (functions
that take functions as values) and specifying reusable property
definitions that can be imported into other modules.
Before working through this lab, you’ll need
- Cryptol to be installed,
- this module to load successfully, and
- an editor for completing the exercises in this file.
You’ll also need experience with
- loading modules and evaluating functions in the interpreter,
- sequence and
types, - manipulating sequences using
, andjoin
, - writing functions and properties,
- sequence comprehensions,
- logical, comparison, and arithmetic operators,
- lambda functions, and
Skills You’ll Learn
By the end of this lab you will be able to define higher-order functions (functions of functions) and predicates, and apply them to various cryptographic applications (e.g. decryption inverts encryption and most block ciphers are injective).
Load This Module
This lab is a
literate Cryptol
document — that is, it can be loaded directly into the Cryptol
interpreter. Load this module from within the Cryptol interpreter
running in the cryptol-course
directory with:
Loading module Cryptol
Cryptol> :m labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module specs::Primitive::Symmetric::Cipher::Block::Cipher
Loading module specs::Primitive::Symmetric::Cipher::Block::DES
Loading module labs::CryptoProofs::CryptoProofsAnswers
Loading module labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers
The proofs in this lab require an array of different theorem provers supported by Cryptol. In order to solve them, we recommend using the Cryptol Docker container described in for this course.
The first line of a Cryptol module needs to be a module definition:
module labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers where
You do not need to enter the above into the interpreter; the previous
:m ...
command loaded this literate Cryptol file automatically.
In general, you should run Xcryptol-session
commands in the
interpreter and only change cryptol
code as directed by the
exercises, reloading for :m ...
to import your changes.
In this lab, we’ll redo exercises from
, higher-order style, so we’ll
import the same dependency. We’ll give it an alias this time so
Cryptol doesn’t spew warnings about shadowing its definition of f
import labs::CryptoProofs::CryptoProofsAnswers (known_key, known_ct, DESFixParity)
import specs::Primitive::Symmetric::Cipher::Block::DES (DES)
Higher-Order Functions: Functions can be Values!
Let’s count to 10…
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> let _1 = 1 : Integer
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> _1
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> 1 + it
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> 1 + it
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> 1 + it
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> 1 + it
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> 1 + it
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> 1 + it
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> 1 + it
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> 1 + it
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> 1 + it
That was repetitive. Let’s just ask Cryptol to count to 10:
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> take`{10} (iterate (\x -> 1 + x) (1 : Integer))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Adding 1 to something seems like a common task. Let’s name it…
S: Integer -> Integer
S x = 1 + x
Peano would be proud. Wouldn’t it be nice if Cryptol could just
reuse S
to repeatedly increment a counter?
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> :t \(x : Integer) -> 1 + x
(\(x : Integer) -> 1 + x) : Integer -> Integer
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> :t S
S : Integer -> Integer
Wait a minute…it can!
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> take`{10} (iterate S 1)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
So functions can be passed around as values. Great! A function that takes a function as a value and/or returns one as a result is a higher-order function; a function that does not is first-order. But why bother?
Five Killer Apps: Silence of the Lambdas
From labs::CryptoProofs::CryptoProofs
Proof Invocation Function reversal :sat \x -> f x == y
Proof of inversion :prove \x -> g (f x) == x
Proof of injectivity :prove \x y -> x != y ==> f x != f y
Collision detection :sat \x y -> f x == f y /\ x != y
Equivalence checking :prove \x -> f x == g x
Lambda functions are fun, but in order to reuse them, we would need to name them. We could be silly and just assign directly to these lambda functions, filling in other parameters as necessary…
Proof | Invocation |
Function reversal | maps_to = \f y -> \x -> f x == y |
Proof of inversion | inverts = \f' f -> \x -> f' (f x) == x |
Proof of injectivity | injective = \f -> \x y -> x != y ==> f x != f y |
Collision detection | collides = \f -> \x y -> f x == f y /\ x != y |
Equivalence checking | equiv = \f f' -> \x -> f x == f' x |
…but Cryptol supports a more familiar function definition syntax, so let’s use that:
* `f` maps to `y` from `x`
{d, c} Eq c => (d -> c) -> c -> d -> Bit
maps_to f y x =
f x == y
* `f'` _inverts_ `f` iff when `f` maps `x` to `f x`,
* `f'` maps `f x` back to `x`.
{d, c} Eq d => (c -> d) -> (d -> c) -> d -> Bit
inverts g f x =
g (f x) == x
* `f` is _injective_ iff it maps distinct elements of its domain `d`
* to distinct elements of its codomain `d`
{d, c} (Eq d, Eq c) => (d -> c) -> d -> d -> Bit
injective f x x' =
x != x' ==> f x != f x'
* `x` and `x'` differ, but `f` maps them to the same value
{d, c} (Eq d, Eq c) => (d -> c) -> d -> d -> Bit
collides f x x' =
x != x' /\ f x == f x'
Cryptol went ahead and reserved infix operator ===
to denote that
functions map the same value to the same value, so :prove f === f'
is shorthand for :prove \x -> f x == f' x
. Functional equivalence
must be pretty important!
DES Exercises, Redux
Because the DES exercises were so much fun last time, let’s revisit
them with our newfound appreciation for higher-order functions! (For
exercises in this module, add your answers to empty Xcryptol-session
EXERCISE: Use boolector
to reverse DES.encrypt
and known_ct
from CryptoProofs
, using maps_to
. (In
other words, instruct the interpreter to find a plaintext such that
encrypting that plaintext using DES with the known_key
produces the
.) Avoid lambda.
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> :s prover=boolector
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> :sat maps_to (DES.encrypt known_key) known_ct
maps_to (DES.encrypt known_key) known_ct 0x70617373776f7264 = True
(Total Elapsed Time: 0.773s, using "Boolector")
(Hint: A curried function of two arguments can be viewed as a function of one argument to a function of one argument…)
EXERCISE: Use ABC to prove that DES.encrypt
and DES.decrypt
are mutual inverses for all possible pt
, given the same key
Do not mention pt
in your proof commands.
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> :s prover=abc
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> :prove \key -> inverts (DES.decrypt key) (DES.encrypt key)
(Total Elapsed Time: 1.080s, using "ABC")
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> :prove \key -> inverts (DES.encrypt key) (DES.decrypt key)
(Total Elapsed Time: 1.139s, using "ABC")
EXERCISE: Use Boolector to prove that DES.encrypt
is injective
for any given key
. Do not mention pt
s in your proof command.
Meditate on the nature of lambda and the (f)utility of names.
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> :s prover=boolector
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> :prove \key -> injective (DES.encrypt key)
(Total Elapsed Time: 48.986s, using "Boolector")
EXERCISE: Use ABC to find two different keys and a single
plaintext such that both keys encrypt that plaintext to the same
ciphertext. Mention key
s to alias DES.encrypt
in a where
clause, but do not mention key
in the lambda function you pass to
your command. Guess whether such a collision will be found before
you observe a collision of black holes in nearby outer space.
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> :s prover=yices
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> :sat \pt -> collides (encrypt_ pt) where encrypt_ pt key = DES.encrypt key pt
(\pt -> collides (encrypt_ pt)
encrypt_ pt key = DES.encrypt key pt
0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0100000000000000 = True
(Total Elapsed Time: 0.772s, using "Yices")
EXERCISE: Use ABC to prove that the two keys you just found are
equivalent keys; i.e., prove that keyed DES.encrypt
, respectively, are equivalent for all pt
Avoid lambda.
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> :s prover=abc
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> let { result = _, arg1 = cx_pt, arg2 = cx_key, arg3 = cx_key_ } = it
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> :prove (DES.encrypt cx_key) === (DES.encrypt cx_key_)
(Total Elapsed Time: 0.497s, using "ABC")
EXERCISE: Use ABC to prove that DES.encrypt key
is equivalent
to DES.encrypt (DESFixParity key)
. Do not mention pt
in your
proof command.
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> :s prover=abc
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> :prove \key -> DES.encrypt key === DES.encrypt (DESFixParity key)
(Total Elapsed Time: 0.915s, using "ABC")
EXERCISE: Finally, try to find a collision with keys of distinct
parity; alternatively, try to prove that no such collision exists.
(This wasn’t in CryptoProofs
, but let’s be extra and observe the
consequences…) Feel free to go crazy with lambda. Ponder the
abject hopelessness of classical crypto in a post-quantum world…
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> :s prover=any
labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers> :sat \key key_ pt -> DESFixParity key != DESFixParity key_ /\ DES.encrypt key pt == DES.encrypt key_ pt
This lab demonstrated higher-order functions and revisited the
with named higher-order properties. Whether one
chooses to use lambda notation or higher-order functions is mostly a
matter of taste, though it seems useful to codify properties around
which entire branches of mathematics have been studied…
How was your experience with this lab? Suggestions are welcome in the form of a ticket on the course GitHub page:
From here, you can go somewhere!
^ Transposition Ciphers | ||
Common Properties for Ciphers | Transposition > | |
? Common Properties for Ciphers |