This module defines a trivial transposition “cipher” that just
reverses a message. The cipher is defined in terms of the
library, which defines encrypt
and decrypt
functions given a PermutationMapping
, which in this
case just returns reverse (take`{n} [0...])
given a message of
length n
Before working through this lab, you’ll need
- Cryptol to be installed and
- this module to load successfully.
You’ll also need experience with
- loading modules and evaluating functions in the interpreter and
- the
commands - …
Skills You’ll Learn
Eh…not much. This module will demonstrate module imports and sequence manipulation, but it’s nothing a course participant hasn’t seen better described before. It does, however, offer a trivial example against which to compare more interesting transposition ciphers in later modules.
Load This Module
This lab is a
Cryptol document — that is, it can be loaded directly into the
Cryptol interpreter. Load this module from within the Cryptol
interpreter running in the cryptol-course
directory with:
Cryptol> :m labs::Transposition::Esrever
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module specs::Primitive::Symmetric::Cipher::Block::Cipher
Loading module specs::Primitive::Symmetric::Cipher::Block::DES
Loading module labs::CryptoProofs::CryptoProofs
Loading module labs::Transposition::CommonProperties
Loading module labs::Transposition::Transposition
Loading module labs::Transposition::Esrever
We start by defining the module for this lab:
module labs::Transposition::Esrever where
Additionally, we will import the common transposition cipher definitions:
import labs::Transposition::Transposition
Esrever Encryption and Decryption
EXERCISE: Define a PermutationMapping
such that
encrypt pi msg
will return reverse msg
. Do not use the value of
. Check it with pi_test
and prove it using pi_correct
/** a permutation mapping that just reverses order */
pi: {n} [n][width n]
pi = undefined
property pi_test = and
[ encrypt pi "" == ""
, encrypt pi "A" == "A"
, encrypt pi "STRESSED" == "DESSERTS"
, encrypt pi "RACECAR" == "RACECAR"
, decrypt pi "" == ""
, decrypt pi "A" == "A"
, decrypt pi "STRESSED" == "DESSERTS"
, decrypt pi "RACECAR" == "RACECAR"
/** `encrypt pi` reverses sequence order */
pi_correct: {n, a} (fin n, Cmp a) => [n]a -> Bit
pi_correct msg = (encrypt pi) msg == reverse msg
EXERCISE: Define a predicate that encrypt pi
is equivalent to
decrypt pi
, and prove it.
encrypt_decrypt_equiv: {n, a} [n]a -> Bit
encrypt_decrypt_equiv = undefined
This lab presented a rudimentary transposition “cipher” that just reverses a message, to see how to apply concepts common to transposition ciphers. The next labs will present somewhat more interesting ciphers.
How was your experience with this lab? Suggestions are welcome in the form of a ticket on the course GitHub page:
From here, you can go somewhere!
^ Transposition Ciphers | ||
< Transposition | Esrever | Scytale > |
! Esrever (Answers) |