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This module defines a classic transposition “cipher” that encrypts a message by wrapping it around a (virtual) scytale.
The cipher is defined in terms of the labs::Transposition::Transposition library, which defines encrypt and decrypt functions given a permutation mapping reflecting positions on a scytale.


Before working through this lab, you’ll need

You’ll also need experience with

For some background, read Programming Cryptol’s section on Scytale.

Skills You’ll Learn

This module will demonstrate module imports and sequence manipulation, and offer more practice specifying transposition ciphers.

Load This Module

This lab is a literate Cryptol document — that is, it can be loaded directly into the Cryptol interpreter. Load this module from within the Cryptol interpreter running in the cryptol-course directory with:

Cryptol> :m labs::Transposition::Scytale
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module specs::Primitive::Symmetric::Cipher::Block::Cipher
Loading module specs::Primitive::Symmetric::Cipher::Block::DES
Loading module labs::CryptoProofs::CryptoProofs
Loading module labs::Transposition::CommonProperties
Loading module labs::Transposition::Transposition
Loading module labs::Transposition::Scytale

We start by defining the module for this lab:

module labs::Transposition::Scytale where

Additionally, we will import the common transposition cipher definitions:

import labs::Transposition::Transposition

Scytale Encryption and Decryption

After reading the Scytale section of Programming Cryptol, recall its definitions of scytale and dScytale (refactored slightly):

    {diameter, row}
    (fin diameter, fin row) =>
    String (row * diameter) -> String (diameter * row)
scytale msg = join (transpose msg')
    msg' = split msg : [diameter][row]Char

    {diameter, row}
    (fin diameter, fin row) =>
    String (diameter * row) -> String (row * diameter)
dScytale msg = join (transpose msg')
    msg' = split msg : [row][diameter]Char

While informative, this definition only accepts messages whose length is a multiple of the rod diameter:

labs::Transposition::Scytale> :s ascii=on
labs::Transposition::Scytale> scytale`{3} "ATTACKATDAWN"
labs::Transposition::Scytale> scytale`{3} "ATTACKDAWN"

[error] at <interactive>:1:13--1:25:
  10 != 3 * anything

EXERCISE: Can we account for uneven message lengths and define a similar transposition for any message length and rod diameter?

Our strategy will be to rephrase scytale to operate over a permutation mapping with the number of padding characters necessary to reach a multiple of the rod diameter, then use unpad to reduce that mapping back down to the original message length. To support this, Cryptol defines type operators /^ and %^ to denote the number of blocks and padding length, respective, given message and block size. Revisiting the earlier example, "ATTACKDAWN" is length 10, requiring 4 blocks and 2 padding characters to divide into blocks of size 3:

labs::Transposition::Scytale> `numBlocks:Integer where type numBlocks = 10 /^ 3
labs::Transposition::Scytale> `padLength:Integer where type padLength = 10 %^ 3 

For our permutation mapping, however, instead of working with specific text (e.g. “ATTACKDAWN”), we work with corresponding indices.

EXERCISE: Define pi, the reduced permutation mapping for a padded message of length n on a scytale of rod diameter r. (The identity permutation is produced from a rod of diameter 1.)
Define pi' to be its inverse. Use pi_test to check your definitions.

(Hint: consider inverse as a helper function. Yes, for scytale encryption. Bizarre, right?)

pi: {n} [n][width n]
pi = undefined
property pi_test = and
    [ encrypt pi`{3}                          "" == ""
    , encrypt pi`{3}              "ATTACKATDAWN" == "ACDTKATAWATN"
    , encrypt pi`{3}                "ATTACKDAWN" == "ACATKWTDNA"
    , decrypt pi`{3}                          "" == ""
    , decrypt pi`{3}              "ACDTKATAWATN" == "ATTACKATDAWN"
    , decrypt pi`{3}                "ACATKWTDNA" == "ATTACKDAWN"

EXERCISE: Can you state an agreement property in terms of scytale and encrypt pi using rearrange or partition? What corner cases must be ruled out? Considering the physical properties of a scytale (as represented by the Wikipedia example), would unpad help here? If not, how can you account for padding? Define pi_correct and use it to verify your definition of pi for various rod diameters and message lengths.

    {n} String n -> Bit
pi_correct msg = undefined


This lab presented the Scytale transposition cipher, building upon Galois, Inc.’s previous work to define a more generic version that accommodates arbitrary message sizes and is specified in terms of reusable transposition cipher components.


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