This module presents the Rail Fence transposition cipher, in which a message is placed one character at a time on “rails” in a zigzag pattern. This cipher is very simple on paper, but is somewhat of a challenge to specify in Cryptol.
Before working through this lab, you’ll need
- Cryptol to be installed and
- this module to load successfully.
You’ll also need experience with
- loading modules and evaluating functions in the interpreter and
- the
commands - …
For a background on Rail Fence, we recommend perusing the Wikipedia entries on transposition ciphers in general and Rail Fence in particular (including the main article).
Skills You’ll Learn
Specifying Rail Fence will provide a strong foundation with Cryptol data structures and manipulation, upon which to specify more realistic transposition ciphers and other crypto algorithms.
Load This Module
This lab is a
Cryptol document — that is, it can be loaded directly into the
Cryptol interpreter. Load this module from within the Cryptol
interpreter running in the cryptol-course
directory with:
Cryptol> :m labs::Transposition::RailFenceAnswers
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module specs::Primitive::Symmetric::Cipher::Block::Cipher
Loading module specs::Primitive::Symmetric::Cipher::Block::DES
Loading module labs::CryptoProofs::CryptoProofsAnswers
Loading module labs::Transposition::CommonPropertiesAnswers
Loading module labs::Transposition::TranspositionAnswers
Loading module labs::Transposition::RailFenceAnswers
We start by defining the module for this lab:
module labs::Transposition::RailFenceAnswers where
Additionally, we will import some common properties and transposition cipher components to this spec:
import labs::Transposition::TranspositionAnswers
Rail Fence
The aforementioned Wikipedia article presents the example message “WEAREDISCOVEREDFLEEATONCE” for 3 rails. This message is transposed by reading, row-by-row, “WECRLTEERDSOEEFEAOCAIVDEN”.
// For 3 rails:
// W . . . E . . . C . . . R . . . L . . . T . . . E
// . E . R . D . S . O . E . E . F . E . A . O . C .
// . . A . . . I . . . V . . . D . . . E . . . N . .
/** test number of rails */
type test_r = 3
/** test plaintext */
/** test ciphertext */
Given this problem description, our transposition cipher will need to return a permutation based on the length of a message and the number of rails. The main article goes on to describe “cycles”, which form Rail Fence’s block-like components of the cipher.
EXERCISE: Given a number of rails type r
, return the indices
occurring in the first cycle. Check your definition using
. Here’s a starter:
cycle`{r=1} == [0]
0 ...
cycle`{r=2} == [0,1]
0 0 ... 1 1
cycle`{r=3} == [0,1,3,2]
0 0 0 ... 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 2 2
cycle`{r=4} == [0,1,5,2,4,3]
0 0 0 ... 1 5 1 5 1 5 2 4 2 4 2 4 3 3 3
(Hint: Your definition will most likely include logic distinguishing
the top, bottom, and middle rails. You might wish to implement a
helper function that keeps this distinction intact for computation of
in the next step.)
/** indices per cycle, tupled */
{r} (fin r, r >= 1) =>
([width (max 1 (2*(r - 1)))], [max 2 r - 2][2][width (max 1 (2*(r - 1)))], [width (max 1 (2*(r - 1)))])
cycle' = (0, m, `r - 1)
ml = take`{max 2 r - 2} [1...]
mr = reverse (take`{max 2 r - 2} [`r...])
m = transpose [ ml, mr ]
/** indices per cycle */
{r} (fin r, r >= 1) =>
[max 1 (2*(r - 1))][width (max 1 (2*(r - 1)))]
cycle = take`{max 1 (2*(r - 1))} ([0] # join m # [`r - 1])
ml = take`{max 2 r - 2} [1...]
mr = reverse (take`{max 2 r - 2} [`r...])
m = transpose [ ml, mr ]
/** `cycle` is defined correctly for various numbers of rails */
property cycle_test = and
[ cycle`{1} == [0]
, cycle`{2} == [0,1]
, cycle`{3} == [0,1,3,2]
, cycle`{4} == [0,1,5,2,4,3]
labs::Transposition::RailFenceAnswers> :check cycle_test
Using exhaustive testing.
Passed 1 tests.
Having broken down a Rail Fence message into cycles, we can try to
define pi
for an arbitrary message length. All that remains is to
increment subsequent indices by a multiple of the cycle length and
process the resulting indices in the correct order, along each rail.
EXERCISE: Bearing in mind that +
is defined structurally (e.g.
(0,[[1,5],[2,4]],3) + (6,[[6,6],[6,6]],6)
is a valid expression),
define pi
and pi'
to return a correct order for a Rail Fence
encryption, again given the number of rails type r
and sequence
length type n
. (You’ll have to add r
as a type parameter.)
Use pi_test
to check your definition.
/** condensed indices to encrypt message of length `m` over number of additional rails `r` */
{r, n}
(fin r, r >= 1, fin n) =>
[n][width n]
pi = out
(a,b,c) = cycle'`{r}
groups =
[ ( zext a, [map zext _b | _b <- b], zext c ) + ( o, take (repeat [o,o]), o)
| o <- take`{max 1 (n /^ (max 1 (2*(r-1))))} ([0...] * repeat (`(max 1 (2*(r-1))))) ]
idxs = groups.0 # join (join (transpose (groups.1))) # groups.2
out = unpad`{n} idxs
/** inverse of condensed pi to decrypt message of length `m` over number of additional rails `r` */
pi': {r, n}
(fin r, r >= 1, fin n) =>
[n][width n]
pi' = inverse pi`{r, n}
/** tests from [Wikipedia article on Rail Fence Cipher]( pass */
property pi_test = and
[ encrypt pi`{test_r} "" == ""
, encrypt pi`{test_r} test_msg == test_msg'
, encrypt pi`{test_r} "I_REALLY_LIKE_PUZZLES" == "IA_EZS_ELYLK_UZERLIPL"
, encrypt pi`{1} "" == ""
, encrypt pi`{1} test_msg == test_msg
, decrypt pi`{test_r} "" == ""
, decrypt pi`{test_r} test_msg' == test_msg
, decrypt pi`{test_r} "IA_EZS_ELYLK_UZERLIPL" == "I_REALLY_LIKE_PUZZLES"
, decrypt pi`{1} "" == ""
, decrypt pi`{1} test_msg == test_msg
labs::Transposition::RailFenceAnswers> :check pi_test
Using exhaustive testing.
Passed 1 tests.
This lab presented the Rail Fence transposition cipher, which is
deceptively challenging to specify in Cryptol, but we did it!
Completing this and prior labs should provide a strong foundation
from which to specify more realistic transposition ciphers.
How was your experience with this lab? Suggestions are welcome in the form of a ticket on the course GitHub page:
From here, you can go somewhere!
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